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Legend (test/GeoNB_SNB_Elderly_CSD_2016)

Average Age / âge moyen (0)
30.0 - 40.0 30.0 - 40.0
40.1 - 42.0 40.1 - 42.0
42.1 - 45.0 42.1 - 45.0
45.1 - 47.0 45.1 - 47.0
47.1 - 56.0 47.1 - 56.0
Total Population / Population totale (1)
40.0 - 800.0 40.0 - 800.0
800.1 - 1000.0 800.1 - 1000.0
1000.1 - 1800.0 1000.1 - 1800.0
1800.1 - 10000.0 1800.1 - 10000.0
10000.1 - 71890.0 10000.1 - 71890.0
Population Density / Densité de population (2)
0.1245 - 31.10 0.1245 - 31.10
31.11 - 91.37 31.11 - 91.37
91.38 - 188.8 91.38 - 188.8
188.9 - 331.2 188.9 - 331.2
331.3 - 904.8 331.3 - 904.8
Dependancy Ratio / Ratio de dépendance (3)
29.0 - 60.0 29.0 - 60.0
60.1 - 70.0 60.1 - 70.0
70.1 - 85.0 70.1 - 85.0
85.1 - 116.0 85.1 - 116.0
Percent Population 65 and above / Pourcentage de population 65 ans et plus (4)
0.0 - 15.0 0.0 - 15.0
15.1 - 20.0 15.1 - 20.0
20.1 - 25.0 20.1 - 25.0
25.1 - 42.5 25.1 - 42.5
Percent Population 80 and above / Pourcentage de population 80 ans et plus (5)
0.0 - 3.0 0.0 - 3.0
3.1 - 5.0 3.1 - 5.0
5.1 - 8.0 5.1 - 8.0
8.1 - 14.0 8.1 - 14.0