{ "culture": "en-US", "name": "DEM_Aspect_MNE_Aspect", "guid": "", "catalogPath": "", "snippet": "Aspect describes the compass direction in which a plane, fitted to the slope of the terrain faces. \nL\u2019aspect indique la direction de compas d\u2019une surface ajustée à l\u2019orientation de la pente du terrain.", "description": "Aspect describes the compass direction in which a plane, fitted to the slope of the terrain faces. Aspect can be generated from continuous elevation surfaces and is usually described in degrees from North. \nProvided in New Brunswick Stereographic Double Projection with CGVD2013 vertical datum. Produced in 2020, from LiDAR data acquired between 2015-2018.\n\nL\u2019aspect indique la direction de compas d\u2019une surface ajustée à l\u2019orientation de la pente du terrain. L\u2019aspect peut être généré à partir de surfaces d\u2019élévation continues et est généralement décrit en degrés par rapport au nord.\nFourni en projection stéréographique double du Nouveau-Brunswick avec la donnée du canevas altimétrique CGVD2013.\n", "summary": "Aspect describes the compass direction in which a plane, fitted to the slope of the terrain faces. \nL\u2019aspect indique la direction de compas d\u2019une surface ajustée à l\u2019orientation de la pente du terrain.", "title": "DEM_Aspect_2020", "tags": [ "Aspect", "LiDAR", "GeoNB", "New Brunswick", "Nouveau-Brunswick" ], "type": "Image Service", "typeKeywords": [ "Data", "Service", "Image Service", "ArcGIS Server" ], "thumbnail": "thumbnail/thumbnail.png", "url": "https://s51iwvgeoapp02.snb.ca:6443/arcgis/services/Elevation/DEM_Aspect_MNE_Aspect/ImageServer", "spatialReference": "NAD_1983_CSRS_New_Brunswick_Stereographic", "accessInformation": "Service New Brunswick / Service Nouveau-Brunswick", "licenseInfo": "Open Government Licence / Licence du gouvernement ouvert" }